Church Constitution

Article 1 - The Name

The name of this church will be The Calvary Baptist Church of Plainfield, Incorporated. This church also may be referred to, and may do business, as “Calvary” or “Calvary Church.”

Article 2 – The Purpose

Calvary exists to bring more and more glory to God the Father, by bringing the Gospel, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to more and more people, for our becoming more and more like Jesus (Colossians 1:28).

Article 3 – The Criteria for Membership

Membership will be open to anyone who is personally trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who has borne witness to that faith through baptism by immersion and who is aligned with our purpose, process, and priorities, our statement of faith, our church covenant, and our constitution.

Article 4 – Procedure for Admission to Membership

Those meeting the above criteria for membership may become members of Calvary through the following procedure:

A. Demonstration of regular worship attendance and consistent participation in the life and ministry of Calvary.
B. Personal Interviews: Individuals desiring to become members will meet with an elder or appointed leader to verbalize their personal testimony of faith in Jesus Christ, in order that church leaders may determine the integrity of their faith, as well as their commitment to and alignment with Calvary.
C. Signed Statement of Commitment: A signed Statement of Commitment will confirm an individual’s desire for membership and serve as a formal record of membership.
D. Upon verification of these matters, the elders will recommend the candidate(s) to the congregation for acceptance into membership. The candidate’s membership will become effective upon approval by a simple majority of current members in attendance at any regular meeting of the church.

Article 5 – Annual Meeting and Fiscal Year

An annual meeting of the Calvary members will be held in the first quarter of each year for the purpose of informing the congregation of ministry concerns and priorities for the coming year. The fiscal year of the church will be January 1—December 31.

Article 6 – Discipline of Members

A. Personal Grievances:
Whenever members have a grievance, the persons involved will follow the principles in Matthew 18. If this procedure does not lead to reconciliation, the issue(s) will be submitted in writing to the elders and persons directly involved for consideration. Counsel will be given and appropriate church action taken, if necessary (Gal. 6:1; 1 Cor. 6:8).
B. Unchristian Behavior and Other Discipline Cases:
Each member will be encouraged to maintain his/her Christian obligations as stated in the church covenant. When the actions of a member in any of these areas are determined to be detrimental to the testimony of Christ or His church, the matter will be considered by the elders or person(s) appointed by them. Such consideration will include confidential inquiry, counsel to the members, and recommendation to the church for appropriate action, if necessary. The spirit of this inquiry and counsel is to be supportive and expressive of the acceptance, help, and forgiveness of the church. If the member responds favorably to the inquiry, demonstrating acceptance of forgiveness through repentance (change of life) and reconciliation, no report to the church will be necessary, and the matter will be considered closed, except that counsel may continue to be given as needed. Should the member fail to respond to the inquiry or fail to demonstrate the acceptance of forgiveness through repentance and reconciliation, the elders will recommend to the church that his/her name be removed from membership. If possible, the member must be notified of the meeting and given the opportunity to speak on his/her behalf. Upon evidence of restoration to the faith and/or the church, a dismissed member may be reinstated through the regular procedure for admission.

Article 7 – Selection of Elders

While sharing equally in the blessings of salvation, men and women are given distinctive, complementary roles by God as part of the created order. The primary teaching ministry and governing authority of the local church is to be entrusted to men who meet the standards of godliness and maturity described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 (1 Timothy 2: 12-13). The following steps will be followed in the selection of elders. The Bible also refers to this same office as pastor/shepherd and overseer/bishop (1 Peter 5). Throughout this document, the term “elder” will be used with this Biblical perspective.

A. The name of any potential elder candidate who is a member in good standing, who aspires to the office, and who meets the standards of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, may be given to the current elders in writing by any church member, at any time.

B. At least two elders will interview the candidate to provide an initial determination of whether his desire, qualifications, calling, gift mix, and personality will strengthen and complement the existing ministry of our elders.

C. If the candidate is approved for consideration, his name will be submitted to the current elders. Let them first be tested (1 Timothy 3:10).

D. After the period of testing, if the candidate still believes God is calling him to serve as an elder, and upon a unanimous confirmation of the elders, the candidate’s name will be announced to the congregation. Any church member may present to the elders concerns about the candidate’s suitability for thirty days following the announcement.

E. If concerns are raised, issues will be evaluated by the elders in light of 1 Timothy 3:2-7 and Titus 1:6-9.

F. Following the thirty-day evaluation period, with all concerns resolved, the candidate will be considered by the elders.

G. Upon unanimous confirmation of the elders, the candidate will be presented to the members of the congregation for approval. The candidate must receive at least three-fourths approval by the members present and participating.

H. This process may be discontinued at any point by the candidate or by unanimous agreement of the elders.

Article 8 – Terms of Elders

Since the Bible indicates no fixed term for elders, no fixed term of office is recommended. Instead, each elder will annually renew their commitment for another year of service. An individual’s service as an elder may be discontinued by his own decision or a unanimous determination of all other elders. The decision of an elder to discontinue his role would not preclude his service as a future elder, subject to the regular elder selection process. If, at any time, it is confirmed by two or three witnesses (1 Timothy 5:19-20) that an elder is involved in sin that would disqualify him from office according to 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1, he will be publicly rebuked and removed from office as soon as the elders become satisfied the charges are true. It is the intention of the church that a sinning brother be restored in his relationship to the Lord and the church family. Any elder who is removed from office due to sin cannot be a candidate for elder or deacon for a period of at least five years. It is most critical that a meaningful relationship with the Lord, a godly lifestyle, and the confidence of the church family be restored.

Article 9 – Role of Elders

Elders are charged with the biblical responsibility of shepherding the flock, exercising oversight, and setting examples for the church. All policy, staff, budgeting, and ministry plans are ultimately the responsibility of the elders. The elders may appoint individuals or special teams for limited periods of service to complete assigned tasks. The elders will determine and approve the annual financial budgets of the church; they will also authorize any expenditure of the funds by the church Treasurer for any purposes when such an expenditure is not covered by an accepted budget. The elders will encourage input from the congregation regarding budgetary needs while keeping them informed of budgetary priorities and financial needs. Once a year, the elders will appoint someone to review the church financial records.

Article 10 – Role of Deacon

The deacon may serve a wide variety of practical tasks within the church family as directed by the elders. The prototype of the deacon ministry is found in Acts 6:1-7. Biblical qualifications for deacons are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Article 11 – Ministry Staff

The elders will be responsible for the oversight of paid ministry staff, including selection and dismissal, when necessary. Each ministry staff member will be accountable to one supervisor. The roles and job descriptions for staff members require approval of their immediate supervisor and the elders. Staff salaries will be determined annually by the non-staff elders.

Article 12 – The Role of the Lead Elder

Consistent with the New Testament teaching regarding spiritual gifts, it is evident that the lead elder, like any member of the body, is uniquely gifted and should seek to serve within his gift area (Eph. 4, 1 Cor. 12).

In addition to his shepherding role, the lead elder is primarily to be a teacher of the Word of God, the Bible. He is to teach and exhort with words and by example. His goal is to help bring people to maturity of faith through insightful and accurate presentation and proclamation of the Bible, equipping them to be the true ministers of the body. As a teacher he must stress both the understanding and the application of God’s Word.

The lead elder should be free to focus on areas related to his primary function as a teaching elder and should maintain a proper balance of prayer, teaching, shepherding, and leadership.

Article 13 – Selection of the Lead Elder

In the event of vacancy in the office of lead elder, the remaining elders will be responsible to conduct a search for candidates to fill the position.

Once the elders have selected a candidate, evaluated and approved him according to the elder qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, and in keeping with procedures detailed in Article 7, he will be presented to the congregation as a candidate for the office of lead elder. No candidate may be presented to the congregation who has not first been closely evaluated and approved by the elders. A suitable process of exposure and evaluation by the congregation will be developed by the elders. At the conclusion of the congregational evaluation, a three-fourths approval by the members in attendance at a meeting called for that purpose will be required for appointment.

The elders will make every reasonable effort to notify all members at least two weeks prior to a meeting to be held for the purpose of approving a lead elder. It should be understood that a congregational approval gives indication of a desire and willingness to follow the leadership of this man and affirms his role as an elder in this local church.

This same procedure will be followed for the selection of other staff elders.

Article 14 – Dismissal of the Lead Elder

Dismissal of the lead elder, as well as other staff elders, follows the same procedure as is described in Article 8 – Terms of Elders. Upon termination, staff elders may receive appropriate severance pay as determined by the remaining elders.

Article 15 – Procedure for Amendment

This document was drafted by faithful but fallible people. Should the Spirit of God point out the need to revise this document in any way, the elders will present suggested revisions to the membership of this body for ratification by majority approval of the members present at a meeting called for that purpose. The elders will make every reasonable effort to notify all members at least two weeks in advance.

Minor revisions not effecting change in the theology, ministry philosophy, or overall structure and government will be made at the discretion of the elders (e.g., grammar, clarification of an idea considered confusing, added scriptural support).

Article 16 – Statement of Cooperation in Partnerships

In order to further accomplish what Jesus has given us to do, we network with other churches of similar doctrine and objectives. We join with independent churches and churches of other denominations when we believe this relationship will help us do what God calls us to do in His Word (Acts 15:36, 41; 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:1; Galatians 1: 1–3; Revelation 1:4, 10–11).