Update #10


Hello again,

So I'm off my normal rhythm. On Saturday, we were in Ohio with Janna's side of the family for our annual reunion, so I missed my normal check-in. And I'm not sure I'll get back to what was normal, at least not this week.
I'm working through John Piper's Reading the Bible Supernaturally: Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture (Crossway). It's part of a trilogy that includes books on the defense of the Scriptures (A Peculiar Glory) and on preaching (Expository Exultation). I had already read the other two and wanted to complete the series. It is typical John Piper: colorful and comprehensive, tightly reasoned and thorough, helpful, and excellent. It may sound strange in reference to any Piper work, but I think the thing I appreciate most so far is that he simplifies what it is to read (and study) the Bible. He doesn't pull any punches about the difficulty and hard work associated with it; but difficult does not mean complicated. Reading the Bible is really fairly simple. I highly recommend the work, and would encourage you not to let the 400 pages intimidate you. That's a testimony to how thorough Piper is, not to how complicated reading the Bible is. He includes some of his classic mnemonic devices and applies them to the reading of Scripture (IOUS and APTAT, for example). It's really been a wonderful read so far. As a reference point to the simplicity and encouragement found in the book, I'll include just this one quote:

"Most failures to see what [biblical] authors intended to communicate are not owing to insufficient education or inadequate intelligence, but to passive reading that is not aggressively attentive to what is there."

- John Piper, Reading the Bible Supernaturally

Good stuff.

Janna and I had the opportunity to worship with our sister church in town, Plainfield Baptist Church. Pastor Jared Skinner is a faithful brother and a really good preacher. I was greatly encouraged and challenged as he led us through Exodus 19:1-6, with significant emphasis on 1 Peter 2:9. I've been so blessed as I continue to consider that the God of Israel also "bore [me] on eagles' wings and brought [me] to [him]self" as his "treasured possession among all peoples," making me and us "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." Thank you, Lord. Isn't it mind-blowing!?! I mean, it makes complete sense to me that God should be my treasure. He's awesome! But that he should make a wretch like me his treasure? Wow! That's exactly why he's so awesome. It's why I should treasure him.

The Lord willing, Janna and I will be starting a trip eastward this Saturday. We plan to worship with Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls (Cleveland area) this week, and then spend some time in New England. I'll take Andrew Wilson's Incomparable God: Explorations in the Character of God (10 Publishing) to read while I'm gone. Thanks for your prayers for us on this sabbatical. God is so kind. We're asking for safety in our travels and encouragement in our fellowship during these next two weeks.

By His Grace & For His Glory,

Jeff Tague