Prayer & Preparation for October 30th, 2022
This Lord's Day
Hey church,
Here are some details for this week's service. They may inform your prayers and aid your preparation.
Songs: "Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)," "Jesus, Son of God," "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)," "Speak, O Lord," and "Sovereign Over Us"
Sermon text: Ezra 1-2 (yes, that's right)
Sermon title: "God's Promise, Providence, and People"
Cross-references: 2 Chron. 36:22-23; Isa. 43:1-2; 44:28-45:1; 61:1; Jer. 16:4-5; 29:10-13; Zech. 4:10
Relevant teaching:
"Are you looking at something that seems impossible: raising funds for an international adoption, overcoming infertility, the possibility of getting married, overcoming some temptation or pattern of sin in your life, dealing with a difficult situation at work, renewing intimacy in your marriage, growing in wisdom to the point that you'll be useful to the Lord? What do you look at in life and say, 'That's impossible'? Look at these Israelites in exile. It was impossible that the king would issue a decree that they could return to the land and promise to pay for the rebuilding of the temple."
James Hamilton
"A theme in Ezra 1 is how God stirs hearts.... Consider what God has stirred your heart to do for him.... God has stirred my heart to serve him by some way that I...
...join his mission to tell others about Jesus. compassion for people in need.
...repent of a specific sin.
...serve in the church. faithful in my family or community.
...practice generosity or support others' work.
...draw near to Jesus and grow spiritually. willing to suffer for Jesus.
...use my authority for godly purposes.
...leave what is safe/comfortable, and go out.
...pray for others or for God's work."
Iain Duguid
By His Grace & For His Glory,
Jeff Tague